Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Destination: Spain

Through the end of July, this blog will be transformed into LAUREN'S FABULOUS ADVENTURES IN SPAIN! That's right, a whole month in Spain. I am flying out on July 2 and returning on July 30. I'll be spending four weeks in the beautiful city of Salamanca, studying at the University of Salamanca.

The University was founded in 1134. It is the 4th oldest university in Spain, and was the first institution to be given the formal title of "university".

Columbus lobbied a panel of geographers there to allow him to make his famous voyage in search of the West Indies. Hernando Cortez, who conquered the Aztec Empire, went to school there before he became a famous conquistador. And, ladies and gentlemen- update the Wikipedia page- in 2011 I will study there for a whole month!

Terrified? A little.
Excited? A lot.
Check back for lots of pictures and updates on my adventures in Spain!

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