Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to talk to me in Spain...

In case you haven't heard, international calling/texting is very expensive. Therefore, I will probably not be calling or texting anyone back home very often. I know you're probably thinking, "But how will I ever let my bestest and most wonderful friend Lauren know how much I miss her??" Well, you have 3 options:

1. Facebook. This one is the best. Send me comments, messages, and chats. It's free and we probably communicate this way anyway.
2. Skype. Even if you don't have a webcam, you can download Skype and use it just like a phone. You can get it on your computer or download the app on your phone. As far as I know, international Skyping is free. If it turns out it's not, please refer to option number 1.
3. Text. It only costs 5 cents to receive a message, but it costs 50 cents to send one. So you can text me, just don't expect me to respond very much.

You could also send me a letter, but since my mom has trained me well on matters of personal security I am not going to post my host family's address. If you are really set on sending me some snail mail, contact me and I'll get you the address.

IMPORTANT INFO: Spain is 5 hours ahead of home, 6 hours ahead of Auburn. SO if it's 9:00 am at home it would be 2 pm in Salamanca. This is when I'm supposed to be getting out of class, so any time between 9 am and 5 pm (for you) is probably your best bet to get ahold of me.

I look forward to hearing from everybody, and I can't wait to tell you all about Spain! This is probably my last post before I fly out Saturday, so adios amigos! Hasta Luego!

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