Monday, July 4, 2011

El Primer Dia

So, I have arrived in Spain! After a grueling 10 hour wait in the Madrid airport because one girl’s flight was late, we finally arrived in Salamanca around 10 pm. The view coming into the city was beautiful!
First view of Salamanca

I am staying with a little old Spanish lady who seems to speak no English. My roommate Taylor speaks even less Spanish than I do, and between the two of us we can barely piece together a whole sentence. Luckily, Senora Marcos is very patient and does her best to explain things. But usually we just end up nodding our heads and smiling without having a clue what she’s talking about.

My room

Her apartment is very cute and cozy, but boy is it hot! It doesn’t seem to have any AC. We may have to invest in a little fan to keep from sweating to death at night. It also doesn’t have Wi-Fi, so the only time I can get online is if I bring my laptop to the plaza or to the university.

When we first got in, Senora served us some soup and grilled ham and cheese with reallllly good local white cheese. For breakfast we had muffins, wafer crackers, and juice. She set out mugs of warm milk and powdered coffee and chocolate so I made myself a mocha!

We took our class placement exams this morning, then had a few hours to explore the city. We walked to the plaza, ate at a little café, and took lots of pictures. Around noon the university hosted a mix and mingle gathering with free wine and tapas, and after that we returned to our host homes for lunch. It seems like people eat constantly here!
 The Cathedral
 Me in front of the cathedral
 Some of the girls in our group
The free tapas hour at the University

Now it is siesta time, and since everything will be closed for a few hours Taylor and I are sitting in the plaza taking advantage of the free wi-fi. Later tonight we have to go back to the university to find out what classes we are taking, and then we are going to a place in the plaza that is having a 4th of July celebration for the American students.

So far everybody is very friendly, the weather is great, and the food is delicious. I think I will survive. :)

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