Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to talk to me in Spain...

In case you haven't heard, international calling/texting is very expensive. Therefore, I will probably not be calling or texting anyone back home very often. I know you're probably thinking, "But how will I ever let my bestest and most wonderful friend Lauren know how much I miss her??" Well, you have 3 options:

1. Facebook. This one is the best. Send me comments, messages, and chats. It's free and we probably communicate this way anyway.
2. Skype. Even if you don't have a webcam, you can download Skype and use it just like a phone. You can get it on your computer or download the app on your phone. As far as I know, international Skyping is free. If it turns out it's not, please refer to option number 1.
3. Text. It only costs 5 cents to receive a message, but it costs 50 cents to send one. So you can text me, just don't expect me to respond very much.

You could also send me a letter, but since my mom has trained me well on matters of personal security I am not going to post my host family's address. If you are really set on sending me some snail mail, contact me and I'll get you the address.

IMPORTANT INFO: Spain is 5 hours ahead of home, 6 hours ahead of Auburn. SO if it's 9:00 am at home it would be 2 pm in Salamanca. This is when I'm supposed to be getting out of class, so any time between 9 am and 5 pm (for you) is probably your best bet to get ahold of me.

I look forward to hearing from everybody, and I can't wait to tell you all about Spain! This is probably my last post before I fly out Saturday, so adios amigos! Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Destination: Spain

Through the end of July, this blog will be transformed into LAUREN'S FABULOUS ADVENTURES IN SPAIN! That's right, a whole month in Spain. I am flying out on July 2 and returning on July 30. I'll be spending four weeks in the beautiful city of Salamanca, studying at the University of Salamanca.

The University was founded in 1134. It is the 4th oldest university in Spain, and was the first institution to be given the formal title of "university".

Columbus lobbied a panel of geographers there to allow him to make his famous voyage in search of the West Indies. Hernando Cortez, who conquered the Aztec Empire, went to school there before he became a famous conquistador. And, ladies and gentlemen- update the Wikipedia page- in 2011 I will study there for a whole month!

Terrified? A little.
Excited? A lot.
Check back for lots of pictures and updates on my adventures in Spain!