Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Day In Salamanca

7:30- Wake up

7:45- Actually get out of bed

8:15- Eat breakfast (orange juice, coffee with cocoa, and a weird pointy muffin)

8:30- Leave for class

9:00-2:15- Classes (Eat my snack at 11! Spanish candy bars from the vending machine or an empanada from the bakery down the street)

2:30- Home for lunch with Senora- hopefully not some weird egg concoction.

3:00-5:00- SIESTA!!

5:00-8:30- Wander the city. Shop, get tapas, go to museums, study, find free wi-fi. Walk at least 5 miles. Usually get helado somewhere in this interval.

9:00- Home for dinner with Senora

10:00-???- Sit in the plaza, go to bars or discotecas, find attractive locals who can help us practice our Spanish. Collapse into bed. Repeat.

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