Sunday, March 18, 2012

Breakup Therapy

It's been a while since my last post. Things have been busy, to say the least! In the past few months I have been accepted into law school, taken a community development trip to Appalachia, and gotten a new boyfriend.

Unfortunately, I was also dumped by said boyfriend.

This led the psychology major in me to come up with a fantastic breakup therapy plan. All you need is a notebook and pencil, and a bag of white chocolate chips.

Here's what you do: 
1.Get yourself some tissues and stop crying.
2.Make a list of all the positives in the situation. Maybe his aftershave made your face break out. Maybe he always insisted on getting a really gross and weird type of pizza. Maybe now you can focus on a job, school, getting closer to family, etc. Write it all down.
3. For every positive you think of, eat 10 chocolate chips. 
4. When you reach 10 positives, finish the bag.
5. Tear out the list, fold it up, and put it somewhere that you can easily access it if you start feeling sad again.
6. Go out with your friends and dance off all those chocolate chip calories!

Hopefully this will help you, I know I sure feel better :)

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